ADCMT 6254 直流电压电流源监测器 (±20 V/7 A; ±7 V/20 A)
制造商: ADCMT Model: 6254 - 联系
Number of digits for generation: 5½
Output method: Bipolar
Maximum output voltage: ±20 V/7 A; ±7 V/20 A
Minimum voltage resolution: 5 μV
Maximum output current: ±20 A/7 V
Minimum current resolution: 5 nA
Number of digits for measurement: 6½
Accuracy (typical range): 0.0002
Minimum measurement voltage resolution: 100 nV
Minimum measurement current resolution: 100 pA
Maximum measurement resistance / Minimum resolution: 550 GΩ/0.05 μΩ
Pulse application / Measurement: Available
Minimum pulse width: 25 μs
Interface: USB, GPIB, LAN (option), RS232 (option)
Supplied Accessories:
Power cable (JIS 2 m): 1
Input and output cable (safety plug) 6253 only: 1
Input and output cable (safety plug, large current) 6254 only: 1
Banana tip adapter (for A01044): 1
Alligator clip adapter (for CC010011) 6254 only: 1
Output connector (plug): 1
Output connector (plug) cover : 1
Cable tie: 1
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