PHYWE 07021-11 模拟万用表 (600VAC/DC, 10AAC/DC, 2MΩ)
制造商: PHYWE Model: 07021-11 - 联系
Function and Applications
- Analog multimeter for a wide range of with mirror scale, point bearing moving-coil-mechanism and central range selector switch for easy operation. Safe with ceramic fuses, therefore ideal for use in education.
- Virtually indestructible when used with the PHYWE student power supply 13506-93
- Switching of measurement ranges uncritical
- In case of faulty operation user and instrument are protected as the guard trips
Equipment and Technical Data
- Direct voltage: 3/15/60/150/600 V
- Alternate voltage: 15/60/150/600 V
- Direct current: 100µA/10 mA/500 mA/10 A
- Alternate current: 10 mA/500 mA/10 A
- Resistance: 200 Ω/2/20/200 kΩ/2 MΩ
- 20 ranges
- 75 mm mirror scale
- Sensitivity: 20 kΩ/V DC - 9 kΩ/V AC
- Continuity test with acoustic buzzer
- Safety: EN-61010-1; CAT II 600 V
- Dimensions: 110 x 175 x 45 mm
- Weight: 315 g
Accessories: carrying case, test leads, batteries and manual
- 质量承诺
- 正品保修
- 送货到家
- 交易简单化